Collect ingredients, cook, and leave for sale!nIt is a store management game that anyone can play for free.
誰でも無料でエンディングまで遊べるカンタンお店経営&放置ゲーム。でも最後まで遊んだとき、あなたはきっとこの世界が大好きになっています。使える食材60種類、作れる料理は180種類、物語は約20万文字の大ボリューム!男女6人のシェフとの仲が深まると、意外すぎるヒミツが明らかに……!?エンディングまで遊んだプレイヤーから大絶賛続出の"ネオ"料理ゲーム「まんマル」シリーズ第1弾(全3作)です。【遊び方】■ 食材を集めよう!6人のシェフとキッチンカーで仕入れにでかけて、たくさんの食材を集めましょう。むずしい要素なし、簡単操作でキモチよく食材を回収!■料理を作ろう!レシピのヒントをもとに食材の組み合わせを推理し、新しい料理を作りましょう。他の料理ゲームでは見たことのないような「ネオ料理」が完成……!?■放置で販売しよう!キッチンカーに料理を並べたら、あとは放置するだけ!たくさんのお客さんがやってきて、あなたの料理に舌鼓!■マルシェを盛り上げよう!キッチンカーに並べられる料理を増やしたり、より多くのお客さんが来るようにしたり、さまざまなパワーアップでマルシェを盛り上げましょう!■物語を楽しもう!料理を売ってお金が貯まると、新たな物語が次々と展開していきます。マルシェ全体の物語はもちろん、シェフ個別のストーリーも大ボリューム!【こんな方に特にオススメ】・たくさんの料理が出てくる料理ゲームが好き・牧場ゲーム、農場ゲーム、農園ゲームなど、牧場系のほのぼしたゲームが好き・カフェ経営やレストラン経営など、料理を作るお店経営ゲームが好き・屋台やキッチンカーが出てくるゲームが好き・ヒントからレシピを探す、組み合わせゲームが好き・カンタンで気軽に遊べる放置ゲームが好き・じわじわ数字を増やす育成・放置ゲームが好き・ちゃんとした物語と、エンディングのあるゲームが好き・オフラインでも遊べるゲームが好き・女の子が主人公で、ほんのり恋愛要素のあるゲームが好き・意外性のあるキャラクターが好きフツーの経営&料理ゲームと思いきや、意外と奥が深いかも?「王国の道具屋さん」「再生! カラカラ惑星」のアソボックスが贈る、無料でエンディングまで遊べる放置型の経営&料理ゲーム最新シリーズです!Easy store management & neglected game that anyone can play for free until the ending.But when you play to the end, you will love this world.60 kinds of ingredients that can be used, 180 kinds of dishes that can be made, and a large volume of about 200,000 characters for the story!When the friendship with the six male and female chefs deepened, the secret that was too surprising was revealed...! ?A "neo" cooking game that has been highly acclaimed by players who played until the endingThis is the first installment of the Manmaru series (3 works in total).【how to play】■ Collect the ingredients!Lets go to the kitchen car with 6 chefs and collect lots of ingredients.There are no difficult elements, and you can collect food easily and easily!■ Lets cook!Lets infer the combination of ingredients based on the hints of the recipe and create a new dish."Neo food" that you have never seen in other cooking games is completed...! ?■Lets sell it!After arranging the dishes in the kitchen car, just leave them alone!Many customers came to enjoy your cooking!■ Lets liven up the Marche!Increase the number of dishes that can be displayed in the kitchen car,To get more customers,Lets liven up Marche with various power-ups!■ Enjoy the story!When you sell food and save money, new stories will unfold.Not only the story of the entire Marche, but also the story of the individual chefs is a big volume![Recommended for people like this]・I like cooking games where many dishes come out・I like ranch games such as farm games, farm games, farm games, etc.・I like store management games such as cafe management and restaurant management・I like games with street food and kitchen cars・Look for recipes from hints and like combination games・I like idle games that are easy to play.・I like nurturing and leaving games that gradually increase numbers・I like games with proper stories and endings・I like games that can be played offline・Girls are the protagonists, and they like games with a slight love element・I like surprising charactersI think its a futuristic management & cooking game, but it might be surprisingly deep?Asobox of "Kingdom Tool Shop" and "Regeneration!This is the latest series of neglected management and cooking games where you can play the ending for free!v1.3.0.1・軽微な修正を行いましたv1.3.0・新たに「高速仕入れ」機能を追加しました。ランク3から使用できます・動画広告を差し替えました・一部の誤字を修正しました・アプリの内部システムを大幅に変更し、64bitに対応しました。 (不具合がありましたら、アプリ内の不具合報告よりお知らせください!)v1.2.7・アプリサイズを少し削減しました・広告関係の調整を行いましたv1.2.6・内部システムの更新を行いました。ゲーム内容に影響はありません・対象OSをAndroid5.0以上へ変更しました・不要な権限を削除しました・メンテナンス困難のため、ランキングを削除しました (ごめんなさい!)・一部不具合を修正しましたv1.2.5・安定性の向上を行いましたv1.2.4・ストーリーイベントをスキップ可能にしました・クリア後限定だった状態画面の思い出回想機能を、いつでも使えるようにしました・アプリ情報を更新しました
Please please pleaaaase translate the game its so amazing thats its only issue like dude id even do it thats how good the game is please translate in english 😭
Never thought such a good story! Hope more and more people will play this game.
It's a shame that I have to skip through dialogue but it's still fun. Has a similar vibe to Hungry Hearts. Before I was guessing recipes but really recommend looking up a guide. If you do add an english version for this or even all 3 games I'd def replay just for characters and story ^^
I really want the game can you give English version please...
if translation is not possible i would like to ask someone who understand the language to make a wiki on the game it will be very helpful
I beg of you. Please, translate this game ;-;
I played this game few years ago. But I like the mixing ingredients, hunting to find a recipe and ingredients. But I'm puzzled with the language.
Really really like this.. Yeahh.. This game is so great~ but sometimes i'm so confused with the ingrediants. But overall it's so great 👍 n it's offline game that you needn't to worry about your internet quota, hha..
Cute and easy controls. Can be said to be like a new kind of cooking management game w/ bizarre but really creative recipes. Though it may be hard for non-japanese speakers to combine recipes as they are full Japanese.